Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The end of an era

The last of our dogs from this blog passed away today. Trudis was 16 years old.

It was bittersweet as the Animal Doctor performed euthanasia on Trudis this morning, June 18, 2024. Since last year, she had been progressively declining, but she fiercely held on to life, even in her last moments.

I wanted for nature to take its course, but If had to be honest, I knew in my heart I was only doing it for my sake.

A couple of nights ago, I asked God for a sign that it was time to let Trudis go. I drifted off to sleep, and there in my dream, saw her in the same playpen where she had lain since January, bedridden, unable to stand and eat on her own. But this time, she was sitting on her hind legs, looking up to me so happily. Its been a while since I saw her like this.

I knew at the Rainbow Bridge, she will be young and strong again.

Our Dogs in Iloilo City