We doggies rarely get our baths because the Secretary is afraid that the water will take our natural oils away. But on Sunday morning, her stink-o-meter cried toot-toot! The Secretary jumped out of bed, rolled her pajamas and took these out:
She said she was going to make some doggy ice cream. What???

My brother Jappy looked like a bowl of whipped cream,
Jappy didn't think it was funny.

But the Secretary was unrelenting. She said my brother Moy-Moy would look delectable with some nuts and cherries atop his famous tail.

Oh-oh. Moy wasn't so thrilled either.

I, Trudis, am the only dog around here who appreciates being bathed. It is so refreshing when cold water hits my skin and I especially love it when the Secretary massages my body with soap and shampoo. I tell her to forgive the two droolfus ( Aki, can I borrow the word?), they don't know a thing about beauty.

Aww, my skin is still red all over.

The Secretary spritzed apple cider vinegar solution on my skin after drying me. Its supawsed to sooth my irritated skin but smells icky. The Secretary told me that in some places here in the Philippines people put vinegar on dogs like me because the cookbook says so.
What?, I blinked.
What did she mean by that??? The Secretary said shhhh and promised to tell me more when I'm old enough to understand. (She probably did not want to scare me). Okay then, on to happier stuff.

This is our breakfast which was served right after our bath.I used to eat three time a day when I was a wee little pup, but now I have two meals in a day, just like by brothers. The new Assistant prepares our meal. It is made of rice and boiled meat. Sometimes we have boiled eggs and tuna too.
He mixes it in and mixes it up, and mumbles some prayers:
"Bless us O, Lord and these thy gifts
which our beloved pets are about to receive
from thy bounty, through Christ
our Lord, Amen"
Before I proceed, I would like to mention an incredulity here. The pet accessories section of Greenwoods Pet Clinic sells an assortment of bowls which I'm sure the Animal Doctor will sell to me at discounted price. Surely, the Secretary can find one befitting a pretty dog like me.

But no, she is a cheapskate who makes us eat on recycled ice cream containers, buhuhu.
(The Secretary's Note: The resident pets of Greenwoods Pet Clinic are already fortunate enough to have a roof over their head, a bowl of water and two meals in a day. I am saving their money for less fortunate dogs which abound in numbers out there.)
Okay, okay, the three of us barked in unison( besides we are already hungry) while our sister, Pussy meowed her agreement.
After our brekkie, I accompanied the Secretary to bring breakfast to these doggies:
She found this doggy guarding a nearby building. The person who tied him there was not thinking, otherwise he could have left bowl of water for this dog to drink!
"Grrr-yum..yum..Grrrr, " said the doggy.
He didnt like us, but he loved the food. I told him not to talk with his mouth full.
This is my friend, Iyoy. She is well known stray dog in our subdivision. Every morning, she knocks on our still closed clinic for her ration of dog food.
Its usually best to cap this flurry of activities with an afternoon siesta.